I am a direct beneficiary of the
extraordinary efforts of Anglican
missionaries to spread the gospel
around the world. The Anglican
Church established itself as the
dominant Christian denomination
in Uganda in the late 1800s and
early 1900s. My father is a retired
Anglican priest, and I grew up in
the Anglican Church and went to
a Christian boarding school, Kings
College Budo that was set up by
missionaries in 1906 in Kampala.
When I graduated from high
school and went to university, I
plugged into St. Francis Chapel,
the church at which my father was
chaplain. I served and attended
there until I left to come to Canada.
St Francis was a fascinating
congregation. We had loud and
expressive music, vibrant liturgy,
and a culturally diverse and
multigenerational congregation.
(click on PDF below to read more)